The statistics include all persons aged 20 years and above who have had an acute myocardial infarction reported to the Hospital Discharge Register or the Cause of Death Register.

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Last updated: 26/11/2024 (for the years 2015 - 2023).

*Geographical distribution:
*Indicators: of
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Number of persons
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Number of deaths
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Number of incident cases
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Estimates of primary incident cases (without any AMI for seven preceding years)
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Incidence rate per 100 000 persons
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Mortality rate per 100 000 persons
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Case fatality, %
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Case fatality of AMI in age groups, %
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Age standardized case fatality, %
Selected indicators
*Regions: of 22
from age group
up to age group
*Sex: of 3
*Year: of 37
Number of cells: (max 70,000)