Here you can compile and study statistics on induced abortions performed during 1985-2023. Due to a pause in the data collection, data for 2013 is missing.

Impaired quality and comparability from year 2014
From the year 2014, the statistics changed, in terms of both content and procedure for reporting. Statistical data can no longer be linked to the reporting clinic, which has reduced the possibilities to check and correct errors in the statistics. The changes affect the quality of the statistics and comparability with prior years. Quality defects have a greater impact the more statistics are broken down. Therefore no regional statistics are presented from the year 2014.

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Last updated: 07/05/2024 (for the year 2023).

*Measure Information measure
*Distribution Information distribution
Weeks of gestation: of 3 Information weeks of gestation
*Regions: of 22 Information regions
*Age: of 6 Information age
Show age groups
*Year: of 38 Information year
Number of cells: (max 70,000)